Core RE- Science and the Catholic Faith

Please see below for resources for teachers and students regarding teaching Science and the Catholic Faith in Core RE.Overview

KS5 Core RE Unit Plan

Unit Topic:

Science and the Catholic Faith


6 lessons

Learning Outcomes

Students will address:

Lesson 1- Science and the Catholic Faith- Is there a conflict?

Lesson 2- Creatio ex Nihlio- Can the universe be created from nothing?

Lesson 3- Evolution- is the theory of evolution compatible with the Catholic faith?

Lesson 4- Contingent and necessary existence- does the universe need a creator?

Lesson 5- Awe and Wonder- why do we feel awe? What are its effects?

Lesson 6- Assessment- Are science and faith compatible?


  • Recall, select and deploy specified knowledge;
  • identify, investigate and analyse questions and issues arising from the course of study;
  • use appropriate language and terminology in context;
  • interpret and evaluate religious concepts, issues and ideas, the relevance of arguments and the views of scholars;
  • communicate, using reasoned arguments substantiated by evidence;
  • demonstrate a wider range and greater depth of knowledge and understanding, a greater maturity of thought and expression and more developed analytical skills.

Links to curriculum directory and catechism

  • The Church’s teaching about faith (e.g. gift, virtue) and the place of reason in the search for God;

.2.4. Understanding scripture (105-119)

The Bible in relation to science and history (37, 159, 1960)

b There can be no conflict between religious truth and scientific and historical truth (159)

1.3.1. The Creation of the World and our First Parents (54, 279-282)

A Revelation as found in the book of Genesis.

a Understanding literary forms in Scripture (289)

b Genesis 1-11 conveys religious truth rather than science (283-289)

d Scripture’s use of figurative and symbolic language in Genesis 1-11 (362, 375, 390, 396)

B The Trinitarian God is the Creator of all; all creation reflects the glory of God (290-295, 301)

C God created all that is, seen and unseen

a Unseen or invisible world: angels (325-336)

b Seen or visible world.

 Lesson 1- Introduction to the Unit

Learning Objectives

  • What are the Roles of Science and Faith?
  • Is there a conflict between faith and science?


Lesson 2- Ex Nihilo

Lesson 2- ‘Ex Nihilo’

Learning Objectives

  • To understand the concept of ex Nihilo as it applies to Theology and Science.


Lesson 3- Evolution

Learning Objectives

  • Is Evolution compatible with Church teaching?


Lesson 4- Contingent and Necessary Existence

Learning Objectives

  • In Philosophical terms, what do you mean by contingent and necessary?
  • Does the universe need a creator?
  • The Church’s teaching about faith (e.g. gift, virtue) and the place of reason in the search for God.


Lesson 5- Awe and Wonder

Learning Objectives

  • To explore what is awe? Why do we experience awe? What is the impact of experiencing awe?
  • To explore the feelings of awe and wonder in both the context of Catholicism and science.
  • To evaluate awe and wonder from the Catholic and Scientific standpoint.
  • To discuss why we experience wonder and awe.
  • To create an exam style question and mark scheme to provide a balanced argument between Catholic and scientific beliefs about awe and wonder.


Lesson 6- Assessment

Learning Objectives

  • Assess knowledge of the unit

