Please find here resources created by Caritas for Core RE.
During this unit students will be working toward answering the task:
Working to tackle trafficking is fruitless
Its links to curriculum directory and catechism
Life in Christ:
- The Church’s teaching about and work for justice, unity and peace; unity and disunity among people;
- Social and moral implications of loving neighbours as oneself.
- Signs of the influence of Christian values in social situations;
- The meaning of the Gospel ‘option for the poor’.
- Social situations; ways in which Christian values might influence situations of conflict and injustice;
The Church
- The Church as a ‘sign of contradiction’ (e.g speaking out on contemporary issues of justice);
- The opportunities and challenges presented by active membership of the Church;
Skills learnt:
- Recall, select and deploy specified knowledge;
- Identify, investigate and analyse questions and issues arising from the course of study;
- Use appropriate language and terminology in context;
- Interpret and evaluate religious concepts, issues and ideas, the relevance of arguments and views of scholars;
- Communicate, using reasoned arguments substaintiated by evidence;
- Demonstrate a wider range and greater depth of knowledge and understanding, a greater maturity of thought and expression and more developed analytical skills.
Lesson 1- Dignity
Lesson 1- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on Dignity.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 1.
Lesson 2- Dignity of Workers
Lesson 2- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on Dignity of Workers.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for lesson 2.
Lesson 3- Option for the Poor
Lesson 3- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on the preferential option for the poor.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 3.
Lesson 4- Solidarity and Peace
Lesson 4- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on Community and Participation.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 4.
Lesson 5- Community and Participation
Lesson 5- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on Community and Participation.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 5.
Lesson 6- Creation
Lesson 6- Explore issues of human trafficking in light of Catholic Social Teaching on Creation.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 6.
Lesson 7- Assessment
Lesson 7- To assess pupils understanding of the unit through the essay ‘Working to tackle human trafficking is fruitless’ Discuss.
Please click here to download a PowerPoint for Lesson 7.
Further Resources