Study for the full suite of new National Professional Qualifications with the Church of England working in partnership with the Catholic Education Service.
From September the full suite of the new National Professional Qualifications will be delivered nationwide in an exciting new partnership between Catholic and Church of England schools, MATs/ CATs and Teaching School Hubs working with the Church of England Education Office and the Catholic Education Service. Included in the network of Delivery Partners for the London and South East areas are two of our own Catholic organisations from the Diocese of Westminster: The All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT) and The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School. ASCAT will be taking the lead in the delivery of the NPQLT and will also be supporting delivery of the NPQH, NPQLBC and the NPQEL in the South East area. Cardinal Vaughn will be leading in the delivery of the NPQH and the NPQLT for the London area. Not only has the content and delivery methods of the qualifications been changed to reflect the challenges of teaching and learning in faith schools in the 21st century but we expect the funding mechanism for these to change also with the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and the National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development fully funded for all schools. In addition to this, the DfE have indicated that all NPQs will be fully funded for all schools ranked in the top 30% of schools by Pupil Premium allocation.
Please follow the link here to find out more about the new NPQs including details of the new courses and how to apply for these.

Whether you are a teacher looking to deepen your expertise or a school leader wanting to stretch yourself to the next transition in your career, the NPQ programme which is suitable for you.
The reformed suite of NPQs no longer includes the NPQ for Middle Leadership as this has been replaced by three specialist teacher qualifications- NPQLT, NPQLBC, and NPQLTD.
There are 9 FULLY FUNDED Programmes to choose from;
- Headship
- Executive Leadership
- Senior Leadership
- Leading Behaviour and Culture
- Leading Teaching
- Leading Teacher Development
- Early Headship Coaching Offer
There are also two programmes in partnership with the Teacher Development Trust: - Early Years Leadership – Apply using the form on this page
- Leading Literacy – Apply using the form on this page