Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies
Target Audience
This is a nationally accredited course in Catholic theology that supports and enhances the teaching of Religious Education in school and parish. It is valuable for all teachers and catechists and is recommended for any teacher applying for senior management positions in Catholic education within the Diocese. We also offer this course for those who may simply wish to deepen their knowledge of their faith.
The Course consists of six core modules and two professional modules. The core modules explore the Scriptures (Old and New Testament), the Person of Jesus Christ, the Church and its sacramental life and moral understanding. They are designed to build together into a basic understanding of Catholic theology. Its application within a school, parish or ministry setting is explored further through the two professional modules.
General Requirements for each module
- 10 hours contact time (5 two-hour twilight sessions)
- An assessed group presentation in the final session of each core module along with course notes and reflections
All eight modules are generally completed within 18 months but can be spread over a maximum of five years
The cost of the course is £400. This covers all eight modules and registration fee with the Board of Religious Studies.
For further information about the next available course and a registration form, please email: