Pupil Placement Planning

If you need further information on Pupil Placement Planning, please contact Nigel Spears.

Registered Pupils – Data Submission Date

To facilitate the Pupil Placement Planning process as directed by the Diocesan Education Commission, the “PPP Data Sorting Tool” below must be returned to the Education Service by:

  • The Last working day of October

PPP Data Sorting Tool

This tool has been developed, with the assistance of colleagues from St Mary’s, Bishop’s Stortford, to support the processing of PPP data. Please click on the link below and complete as directed:

Policy and Guidance Documents

Issued by the Diocese of Westminster

  • See Diocesan Protocol (Below)

Issued by the Government

  • None To Date

Applications for Admission – Data Returns from Catholic Schools and Academies

Registered Pupils – Data Returns from Catholic Schools and Academies

Navigation Instructions:

  • When selecting an individual Local Authority in the central panel, the Map indicates the Postcode Areas from which the Catholic Schools, operating in that Local Authority, have received applications
  • Hovering the cursor over a coloured segment on the map on the left will indicate the number of Applicants living in that particular Postcode Area
  • Hovering the cursor over the Bar Chart to the right will confirm the total number of Catholic Applicants from that Local Authority. (Warning: This report identifies applications and not individuals. It is probable that the number of individuals is less than the number of applications)

Diocesan Protocols: Pupil Placement Planning

The Diocesan Bishop has canonical responsibility to commission sufficient school places to meet the needs of baptised Catholic children resident in his area.
The Diocese is a statutory partner, with local authorities, in the planning and provision of school places and the Diocese is charged with this responsibility through the Diocesan Bishop.

  • Protocol 1 Additional Places: To ensure that the Diocesan Bishop is able to fulfil his canonical responsibility, the Occupier must comply with the Diocesan Bishop’s directions to increase the number of pupils on roll, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • Protocol 2 Data: To ensure that the Diocesan Bishop is able to fulfil his canonical responsibility, the Occupier must comply with the Diocesan Bishop’s directions to supply data relating to a) applications for admission (statutory admission rounds) and b) registered pupils.
  • Protocol 3 Initial Consent: Prior to the commencement of any discussions relating to an increase/decrease in PAN, the Occupier must obtain written approval from the Diocesan Schools Commissioner.
  • Protocol 4 Consultation: Before committing to a change in PAN, the Occupier must consult as prescribed in Regulations relating to School Organisation.
  • Protocol 5 Strategic Planning: When developing “Options for Change” in a geographical area, the Diocesan Schools Commissioner and other Employees of the Diocese will liaise with Catholic Schools in that area, as appropriate, before making any formal recommendations to the Education Commission and Diocesan Bishop.

Therefore, it is the intention of the Diocesan Bishops and the Education Commission is to provide sufficient Catholic School places to meet the demand for access to Catholic Education from Catholic families living within the Diocese of Westminster. In order to monitor the effectiveness of the existing provision and plan for change and development, the Education Service relies on the submission of quantitative data from all schools.

Each year, schools and academies are required to submit the following dataset:

  1. Registered Pupils:
    1. The return focuses on registered pupils in every school year (Reception to Y11) plus nursery and sixth-form where applicable. 
    2. The deadline is the last working day in October

Governing Bodies: Are responsible for ensuring that this data is correctly and promptly submitted when requested.

GDPR: The Secured and Published Data focuses on a) Postcode Areas, b) Religious Heritage and c) Headcount.

Data Collection: To facilitate the collection and collation of Pupil Placement Planning Data, the Education Service will publish Online Data Submission Forms. Details relating to each submission round will be published in the Education Service Bulletin. Links to current forms and guidance will also be available on this page.