From the Director
From 7th to 9th September 2018 the National Eucharistic Congress was held in Liverpool under the title ‘Adoremus.’ It was an opportunity for the Catholic faith to renew and deepen our faith in, and devotion towards, the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist – both in the celebration of the Mass and in adoration and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Delegates from across the Dioceses of England and Wales came to Liverpool in their thousands to receive catechises about the Eucharist, to take part in the celebration of the Mass, to participate in Eucharistic adoration and processions, and to experience the fruit of the Eucharist through evangelising and social outreach.
Here in the Diocese of Westminster we want to allow the National Eucharistic Congress to renew our Eucharistic faith at home and in all our school communities. The Education Service has developed resources for schools, so that our pupils can encounter anew our Eucharistic Lord. Details of these resources can be found at and We welcome schools sharing their work and experiences on this renewal of faith and devotion.
On 20th September we received a communication from the DfE and the CES advising us of changes the DfE are intending to make to how VA schools access capital funding. As you will see from those communications, it is the intention of the DfE to retire the present LCVAP system from the financial year 2020/21, and to move VA schools to the same capital funding system as other types of schools. As the diocese currently co-ordinates capital funding on behalf of its schools, we are to be provided directly with an annual School Condition Allocations (SCA) allocation. The existing criteria which applies to SCA funding for CATs / MATs will be applied.
The CES are in continuing discussions with the DfE and the likelihood is that those dioceses will be asked to work with a neighbouring diocese or to access funding through Condition Improvement Funding (CIF) bids. Currently the CES preferred option would be for these dioceses to work with a neighbouring diocese and they will be liaising directly with dioceses which fall below the threshold. For the Diocese of Westminster we welcome this initiative.
The CES appreciate that our schools, having received the letter from the DfE, may wish for some reassurance about what this will mean for them. Nigel Spears, the Diocesan Assistant Director for Capital Strategy and Pupil Placement Planning, will be contacting schools shortly.
You will know that this change to the funding allocation is something that the CES and dioceses have been advocating for a considerable number of years, so we are delighted that their persistence has had a positive outcome. The CES also wish to assist dioceses in building a robust and effective system for managing the new way of allocating capital funding.
This term, the Education Service is collecting and collating data relating to the children and young people who are registered pupils/students at Catholic Schools and Academies that are situated in this Diocese. Contained in this bulletin are details from Nigel Spears as to what schools are required to do by Thursday 4th October.
The 2019/20 LCVAP funding application process is now live. The governing bodies of Catholic Voluntary Aided (VA) Schools are invited to submit 1 (ONE) Condition Related LCVAP proposal for a capital project, to be delivered within the 2019/20 financial year. The Online Application Form will be published soon and emailed to Schools and Diocesan Building Consultants. This year we are anticipating a further round of the Healthy Pupils Capital Fund and we are seeking Matched Funded Proposals from VA Schools. A school submission must be received by 12:00 Noon on Friday 23rd November 2018 to be eligible for consideration. Submissions received after Noon on November 23rd will not be accepted for the 2019/20 funding round.
The Education Service is monitoring very closely the reaction both locally, and nationally, to the DfE announcement regarding the proposed teachers’ pay increase. There are still points of clarification that need to be explained. For example, Heads say they are still unsure as to whether the grant will only cover pay rises for teachers on the “maxima” and “minima” points of pay scales, or whether it will also cover those on the mid points on the scales. The DfE has been asked to clarify whether the pay grant will cover pay rises for teachers on the mid points within pay scales. We are concerned that we are only seeing the grant over a 7/12 and 12/12 period no guidance thereafter. Pension payments are rising so the additional salary cost plus on costs it is unclear how this has been picked up in the calculation. As it will not be paid until later in the autumn we will need to review if there is a cash flow implication short term. Therefore, we will be surveying all our schools to monitor the potential impact of what is being proposed and how best schools can cope with it. It is important all schools comply with this request.
Thank for all you are doing to support, protect and nurture Catholic education.
Advisory Support
We look forward to welcoming Tony Gorton to the Primary Advisory Team in January. Until then, please find attached the interim arrangements for advisory support for the Autumn term. Although Amanda will be providing general support to schools previously covered by Michael Corcoran, specific arrangements have been made for those schools due diocesan inspection this year to ensure they receive the necessary support.
Contact: Amanda Crowley
Deanery Meetings
As was mentioned last academic year, the Education service would like to attend deanery meetings when they occur. With so many meetings scheduled it really does help us if we can know the dates as far in advance as possible. Some deaneries have now sent through those dates to us, but if not I would be very grateful if you could please do so as soon as you get a chance, as we really would like to be able to attend as many as possible. Please can I request if you are yet to schedule dates that you refer to the CPD calendar to avoid events the Education Service will be already committed to.
Contact: Amanda Crowley
Standards Framework
Following the Standards Update sessions in July, please could schools inform their diocesan advisor whether they intend to join the diocesan pilot or intend to remain with Levels of Assessment for this academic year. We would recommend attending the diocesan training in October on Planning and Teaching in RE, whatever option is chosen. Due to the large number expected at this training, only one person from each school will be able to attend.
Contact: Amanda Crowley
Primary Adviser Allocation Autumn 2018
Grace Anderson, Watford, Harrow, Brent, Hounslow, Upper Thames
Amanda Crowley (interim arrangement)
Hatfield, St Albans, Stevenage, Lea Valley
Theresa O’Sullivan
Barnet, Hillingdon, Ealing
Elaine Arundell
Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster, Tower Hamlets, Hackney
Diana Roberts
Camden. Islington, Enfield, Haringey
CPD – Save these dates!
This year’s Conference for Headteachers will be taking place form 06/02/2019 to 08/02/2019 at the Jury’s Inn in Oxford
This year’s Primary Deputy and Assistant Headteachers’ Conference will be taking place from 21/03/2019 to 22/03/2019 at the Norton Park Hotel in Winchester.
Calling Catholic Teachers:
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service is hosting an evening to engage with Catholic teachers and leaders currently working outside of Catholic education.
This occasion is designed to provide information about how best to prepare for a role in a Catholic school and an opportunity to meet with current Catholic school leaders.We will also provide an opportunity to register for a mentoring programme for those who wish to be accompanied and supported on their journey in to Catholic education.
The event will be taking place on 26th November from 7pm to 8:30pm at Vaughan House. You can RSVP at:
CPD Opportunities:
- 02/10/2018 Primary NQT Day
- 04/10/2018 New to Catholic Education
- 09/10/2018 Headteachers’ Retreat
- 10/10/2018 EYFS
- 15/10/2018 Chaplains’ Day
- 16/10/2018 New Standards Framework: Teaching and Planning
- 18/10/2018 New Standards Framework: Teaching and Planning
- 30/10/2018 New Standards Framework: Teaching and Planning
- 13/11/2018 Headteacher Discussion Forum
- 15/11/2018 Head of RE Day Conference
- 20/11/2018 REC Day
- 26/11/2018 Aspiring to Senior Leadership Secondary
- 04/12/2018 Senior Leader with responsibility for Catholic Life
- 06/12/2018 Aspiring to Senior Leadership Primary
Book now at
Governor’s Courses
- 28/09/2018 Introduction to Governorship
- 10/11/2018 Governors’ Day Conference
- 12/11/2018 Chair of Governors’ Briefing
- 22/11/2018 Data for School Governors
- 23/11/2018 New Chairs of Governors’ Day
Book now at
New Skills Framework
There are 3 scheduled Teaching and Planning Sessions. Two will be at Vaughan House on the he 18th and 30th of October and a third sessions is on 16th of October at the Niland Centre. All sessions will start at 9:30. In order to accommodate as many schools as possible we are initially limiting registration to one person per school. Please sign up using the new booking system
No More Marking
As discussed at our information days in July we will be piloting the use of No More Marking as a way to assess using comparative judgements. Currently there are 60 schools that have expressed an interest in participating. If you did not register an interest, please let your adviser know by the 28th of September as we are in the process of finalising arrangements. Further information will be sent out directly to interested schools shortly.
Thank you to all those who have already sent their 2020 – 2021 policy and SIF to the Diocese.
It is very important that all schools send their policy and SIF to the Diocese before half-term. If you have changed your policy or SIF and need to go out to consultation it must be for a six-week period between 1st October 2018 – 31st January 2019. You must also go out to consultation if you have not consulted since your 2014 policy i.e. every 7 years.
For further information please contact
A gentle reminder that you should now have the following information on your school website:
- your new Data Protection Policy
- Privacy Notices
- Information on your Data Protection Officer
Governors should also have approved a Personal Data Breach Procedure and Document Retention Schedule.
For further information please contact
Instrument of Government
It is now 3-4 years since governing bodies re-constituted. Some schools are finding difficulties recruiting governors and in sorting out re-appointments.
We don’t have magic solutions but may be able to help and would ask you to contact the Diocese in the first instance if you are having difficulties.
For further information please contact
Our Eucharistic Journey
Having been nourished by the fruits of the Adoremus Congress, the Education department has been re-energised to share with our schools what Cardinal Nichols has described as the ‘treasure’ of Christ in the Eucharist, supporting all our pupils to ‘become what we eat’ and ‘receive what we already are’. The Summer time was a busy time of planting seeds of Our Eucharistic Journey in Westminster. Training has been provided for staff at all levels on the aims and themes of the Congress; it has been a catalyst inspiring our younger generation to have greater appreciation of this great ‘treasure’ in our midst and a deeper love of WHO rather than what the Eucharist really is in order to create a long-lasting legacy.
A number of our schools took part in special Corpus Christi processions or other Eucharistic worship to mark the start of this journey. It is heartening to see the vibrant displays of our children’s work on the Blessed Sacrament which are already adorning the walls of corridors and classrooms; their prayer areas also beautifully reflect this unique time in our history. Schools have begun to utilise the Adoremus channel on our sharing platform, Slack, to celebrate children’s work and their worship of Christ who is at the centre of all. More recently, podcasts created by Cardinal Nichols have been distributed to all schools as a warm invitation to unfold the mystery of Jesus, our greatest ‘treasure’, with reassurance that getting to know Him more fully will have a lasting and profound impact on our lives on a personal level and as members of a community.
We would now encourage schools to make use of the all the materials that have been created so as to begin to discover this ‘treasure’ and ‘secret’ (Pope John Paul II) more fully throughout the Autumn term. Sharing with us the next steps of their journey, through evidence of pupils’ adoration and creative work, will further help us to spread this flame of love and happiness to schools, homes and parishes alike through the website and other materials.
Please send all materials to:
Adoremus / Our Eucharistic Journey
The Adoremus Congress and Our Eucharistic Journey (Diocese of Westminster initiative)
Our Eucharistic Journey (Westminster’s year of worship and activities based on the Eucharist) started on Corpus Christi 2018 in support of the Adoremus Congress this weekend. It will end in June 2019 and there is a Mass booked for next year.
Action: Ensure that the date of this Mass is in diaries (18th June). It will be discussed at future meetings
The Cardinal has created podcasts in support of our initiative and these have been put on the website to be shared with all schools.
Action : All advisers to email schools about this
Launch Packs
Launch Packs (condensed version) have been distributed to schools. The complete Launch Pack has been put in Slack and has resources to support both primary and secondary schools as well as training for staff. Some schools have suggested sharing the condensed version on their websites. A number of schools have been using the complete pack but may need it to be discussed with them beforehand.
Action : Advisers to continue to direct schools to this and explain the complete Launch pack where appropriate.
Blessed Sacrament Booklet
A Blessed Sacrament Booklet based on the Divine Praises has been created for use in the primary or lower secondary schools and is on Slack. Elaine is in the process of making detailed notes for this and these should be distributed by the end of September.
Eucharistic Art
A Eucharistic Art PowerPoint has been created and can be used in both primary and secondary as well as university (eg by Fr Stephen Wang). This can be used for staff training or in parishes also. This, as well as a book by Fr Stephen Wang on Eucharistic Art by his mother, are on Slack.
At least one parish has been inspired by the Eucharistic Art resources and led a parish day of reflection on these. As a result, there is a private view of the exhibition planned for the Autumn term which Elaine will attend on behalf of the Education Service.
Action : Advisers to continue to share this with schools. It may also be used for prayer/reflection at staff training. Where appropriate, encourage a school/parish link
Staff Training
An Adoremus staff training PowerPoint has been distributed to schools and has been delivered in some schools as well as during deanery meetings. It gives an overview of what the Congress and Our Eucharistic Journey are and what schools can do to create a lasting legacy.
Action: Advisers to continue to share this with deaneries/schools if this is still appropriate
Slack – Adoremus Channel
An Adoremus channel has been added on Slack with numerous resources from the Education service. We are encouraging schools to share their work and resources here also. Some schools have already made effective wall displays and artwork based on the Eucharist which they are sharing.
Action : Advisers to continue to encourage schools to use this for resources and to upload their own resources and photos
Westminster Record
An article about our initiative was published in the Westminster Record in the Spring term. Information has gone out to schools via our termly newsletters and information is in the summer bulletin. For the next year, there will be a designated spot on both the newsletter and bulletin as well as at all deanery meetings. Elaine will be responsible for updating these
Deanery Meetings, bulletins and termly newsletters
Adoremus has become a regular feature for all of these so as to increase communication and support. Elaine will provide regular updates for each of these.
Action : Team to remind Elaine when updates are due so she has sufficient time to prepare. Advisers should share with Elaine any good practice (ideas, photos etc) which are taking place in schools as these might be used for bulletins, displays or resources
Deanery Folders
All deaneries have been given an A3 folder to which each school can add evidence of worship or work they have been doing. This is to be shared at deanery meetings to celebrate good work and inspire others too. It has been suggested that these will be presented at Our Eucharistic Mass in 2019.
Action : Advisers to discuss this at deanery meetings to encourage schools to share good practice
Possible future plans
Pupils’ work in the Cathedral
Elaine has been liaising with Peter McNulty (Cathedral manager) about the possibility of schools displaying pupils’ work in the Cathedral. He is in favour of this and is exploring possibilities. She will share any developments with the Team.
Eucharist and Mission
Elaine has spoken briefly to the new members of fundraising about Adoremus in the hope that we can work together on something this year. Caritas Westminster is included in the launch pack as this links strongly to the concept of Mission that goes hand in hand with the Eucharist.
CCS have produced resources on Faith Heroes (3 October saints) for the use in primary schools. This links to Gaudete et Exsultate as well as the concept of Mission that links with Adoremus. This can be shared with schools early in the Autumn term. Elaine has send this to advisers.
Legacy of the Adoremus Congress
September 2019
Key themes of the Congress
Elaine attended the Congress at the NBRIA representative. This was very rich in content but some key themes included:
- The importance of linking Scripture to Eucharistic worship
- The necessity of linking faith to action, being nourished ourselves then we are then called to go out and feed (Mission)
- Feedback from young people about their faith was that they wanted to be much ‘more active social justice’
- Adoration/’latraeia’ should be paid to the Blessed Sacrament, both inside and outside the Mass so that personal and community prayer are linked. Guidance as to how to do this with various groups including young people was shared
- We are to ‘become what we eat’ and ‘receive what we already are’
Next Steps for the Education Service
- Further promote the use of scripture linked to Eucharist and worship through the resources we are creating and sharing with schools (on website, through newsletters, suggested activities for the year, sharing of materials and information during deanery meetings and CPD, exemplification of resources for worship)
- Share the various resources on Adoration and ‘Teaching children to pray before the Eucharist’ with the Education Service as well as creating further ones for CPD, liaising with evangelisation to develop these where appropriate
- Liaise with Fundraising and other organisations to promote active social justice and share visible examples of this on the website (with scripture and worship)
- Lead and guide schools on how to be an image of Christ and celebrate work done on this in the cathedral and through other materials
- Organise a Mass to celebrate the first part of Our Eucharistic Journey in the cathedral in JuneNext Steps for Schools
- Share the Cardinal’s podcasts as well as other materials on the website with staff and pupils
- Complete activities each term, share best work in the deanery folders and discuss these at deanery meetings
- Send photos and pupils’ work to the Education Service so that these can be shared on the website for the benefit of all
- Liaise with the clergy to organise Eucharistic worship this year, especially during Advent/Lent and on Corpus Christi
- Ensure that scripture is included in all Eucharistic worship
- Support pupils in being actively involved in social justice in their school
Encourage pupils to share the ‘treasure’ (Cardinal Vincent) of the Eucharist with their home and parish
This term, the Education Service is collecting and collating data relating to the children and young people who are registered pupils/students at Catholic Schools and Academies that are situated in this Diocese.
Applicable Diocesan Protocol:
School Place Planning (Protocol 2 – Data): To ensure that the Diocesan Bishop is able to fulfil his canonical responsibility, the Occupier must comply with the Diocesan Bishop’s directions to supply data relating to a) applications for admission (statutory admission rounds) and b) registered pupils.
The enumeration date for this academic year is: Thursday 4th October 2018
Data Submission: Click Here – PPP Online Form to access the submission form.
On Thursday 4th October 2018, please
complete the online submission form. For the main part of the submission, four pieces of information are required:
- Year Group
- Postcode Area
- Number of Catholic Pupils (In the Year Group and residing in the Postcode Area)
- Number of Non-Catholic Pupils (In the Year Group and residing in the Postcode Area)
User Guide: Please see the User
Guide that is published with this Bulletin.
When your data is uploaded, you will find it reflected in this Power BI:
The above example contains test data but, from October 4, live data will be pushed to this Power BI. Users of the Education Service Website will be able to view and interrogate this data and review Schools; Local Authorities; Phases; Year Groups and Postcode Areas.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. The pupil placement planning data supplied by schools and academies is extremely useful, particularly when engaging with local authority colleagues.
Contact: Nigel Spears., 07738183828
PPP – Guide to Completing Online Form 2018
LCVAP and HPCF 2019/20
The 2019/20 LCVAP funding application process is now live. The governing bodies of Catholic Voluntary Aided (VA) Schools are invited to submit 1 (ONE) Condition Related LCVAP proposal for a capital project, to be delivered within the 2019/20 financial year.
LCVAP: Click Here – LCVAP 2019/20 Online Form to access the submission form.
This year we are anticipating a further round of the Healthy Pupils Capital Fund and we are seeking Matched Funded Proposals from VA Schools.
HPCF: Click Here – HPCF 2019/20 Online Form to access the submission form.
Please note:
- Your submission must be received by 12:00 Noon on Friday 23rd November 2018 to be eligible for consideration. Submissions received after Noon on November 23rd will not be accepted for the 2019/20 funding round.
- Only 1 (One) application per school and Grant Type is allowed. Therefore, if two or more proposals from a school are received, only the final/most recent submission will be retained and considered. All earlier submissions will be purged from our database. Please make sure that you liaise with your retained building consultant to ensure that only a single entry is submitted on behalf of your school.
For LCVAP Proposals: An A4 Word document (maximum of 2 pages) containing supplementary information and/or pertinent photographs can be submitted by email. When naming and saving your Word document, please use the following naming protocol:
###### LCVAP 2019-20 (AddInfo) The 6 # symbols in parenthesis should be replaced by the six digit Unique Reference Number your school.
For HPCF Proposals: An A4 Word document (maximum of 2 pages) containing supplementary information and/or pertinent photographs can be submitted by email. When naming and saving your Word document, please use the following naming protocol:
###### HPCF 2019-20 (AddInfo) The 6 # symbols in parenthesis should be replaced by the six digit Unique Reference Number your school.
Please email your additional information document to, including the protocol name in the subject line of your email by 12:00 Noon on Friday 23rd November 2018.
In December 2018 and January 2019, all proposals will be scrutinised by Diocesan Officers in Finance, Property and Education. Projects will be ranked and then presented to the Diocesan Schools Building Committee and the Education Commission (Capital Strategy Committee) for their consideration and approval. Information relating to the allocation of LCVAP and HPCF Grants will be published in the second half of the spring-term of 2019.
Contact: Nigel Spears., 07738183828
The Future of LCVAP
On Thursday 20th September 2018, the Government announced its intention to retire the LCVAP process.
The following is an extract from the letter issued to the Diocese.
I am writing to inform you about changes we are intending to make to how voluntary aided
(VA) schools access capital funding to maintain and improve their school buildings.
As you may know, we currently provide capital funding to voluntary-aided schools through a programme known as the Locally Coordinated Voluntary-Aided Programme (LCVAP). Under LCVAP we ask each local authority to co-ordinate discussions among their local VA partners as to the best use of a nominal funding allocation provided for that area. However, we recognise this system can often be complex and bureaucratic.
Following discussion with VA representative bodies, it is therefore our intention to retire the present LCVAP system from the financial year 2020-2021, and to move VA schools to the same capital funding system used by other types of schools: School Condition Allocations (SCA), and the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF).
As you (the diocese) will typically coordinate capital funding on behalf of your schools, we intend to recognise that relationship by providing you with an annual SCA allocation directly, providing you meet the size criteria.
In partnership with local, regional and national stakeholders, the Education Service will be seeking to secure an effective and deliverable system that ensures that Capital Funding is properly invested in High Priority Projects.
At this time, we are still absorbing this information and engaging with colleagues from other diocese to explore initial thoughts. The CES is planning a conference in November for Diocesan Colleagues. We will share more information as it is released.
Contact: Nigel Spears., 07738183828
180920 – DfE Announcement of Intention to Retire LCVAP
Congratulations to the teachers who have just completed the CCRS course at Blessed Dominic in Hendon and have now achieved CCRS recognition. Their successful participation in this course will enable them to contribute even more deeply to the ministry of their schools. Teachers on the course at St. Augustine’s in Ealing have started to study the last of the six core modules, whilst at Larmenier & Sacred Heart Primary in Hammersmith the third module on Christology has begun. A further course at St. John Evangelist Primary in Islington has just been launched with the study of the Old Testament. If you started your CCRS some time ago but think now is the time to pick it up again, then there is still time to sign up and join any of the modules. It is hoped to set up a course in Hertfordshire in January 2019.
For further information please contact: Liz O’Brien at 07738183831
Aquinas Education
A special welcome back to all from Aquinas Education. As we continue to grow and work closely with schools in the Westminster Diocese we want to thank you for your continued support. For those of you that may not know, Aquinas Education deal with all long term and short term teaching and support staff requirements across London. We work with many of the Catholic schools and offer exclusive rates with all of the schools in the diocese. As well as this we offer an exclusive ‘No Introduction Fee policy’ when taking on long term staff on contract. If you would like to know more about what we do and what we can offer to you then please feel free to contact Sam Leggitt on 020 3890 6767 or visit our website
Foundation Stones
The Diocese is will be running a ‘Foundation Stones’ course over 11 sessions structured around the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic
1. The faith Catholics profess (the Creed – a statement of what we believe);
2. The faith Catholics celebrate (the Sacraments);
3. The faith Catholics live (the moral life);
4. The faith Catholics pray (prayers and spiritual life)
At the end of the 11 sessions there will be an opportunity for participants to use
what they have learnt to complete a formal reflection and an assessed
presentation. If successful, this work can count towards one of the eight CCRS
(Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies) modules
Sessions will run on Tuesday evenings at intervals.
Cost: £200 per person or £300 per school
For further details and to book, visit this link:
One response to “Schools Bulletin: September 2018”
Really helpful, succinct, informative and timely.
Many thanks