Mission and Vision Statement
Thank you to our schools for their beautiful artwork.
Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity Mission Statement
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
(John 13:35)
The above verse, taken from the Gospel of John, is central to Westminster Diocese’s mission to promote racial justice, equality and diversity. The command to love our neighbour extends to all human beings irrespective of race, ethnicity, culture, or background. As an expression of that love, we envision a vibrant community with full equality, that embraces diversity and allows for equality of opportunity for all. We aim to challenge bias, discrimination or stereotyping that can lead to racial injustice or inequality and will work to embed anti-racist practice into all areas of our work. We aim to address the cumulative effects of past and present inequities to eliminate disparities and enable all our members to flourish. We believe that this can be achieved through the education of the whole person throughout the whole curriculum with Christ at the centre.
As servants of Christ, we assert the primacy of love, the uniqueness of the person, the importance of solidarity, the pursuit of academic excellence and our commitment to equality, social justice and the common good as the visible fruits of the faith. The Gospel is at the heart of the work of the Diocese and we serve one another in the knowledge that we only have one teacher, Jesus who prayed that we “may be one” (John 17:11).
Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity Vision Statement
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
(John 13:35)
As Christ’s disciples, our love for one another will ensure that all members of our community are held to be equal and are treated with dignity and respect. Through challenge and guidance for our schools, we will overcome bias and discrimination to create a more equal and inclusive society. We will offer support for those who have been ignored, oppressed, abused or persecuted due to their race, ethnicity, culture or background. Together we celebrate the diversity that enriches our community.
Prayer Cards from Key Stage 1, 2 & 3 (Please click on the images below to view)
Prayer Cards Key Stage 1

Prayer Cards Key Stage 2

Prayer Cards Key Stage 3